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Recovery options

If you still have access to your wallet (i.e. your seed phrase is correct) but it is not in sync with the latest block, you should perform a chain re-sync only.

If you have lost access to your node completely, you can either restore a backup that you took previously, or restore from seed phrase.

Chain resync

If you still have access to your wallet (i.e. your seed phrase is correct) but it is not in sync with the latest block, you should perform a chain re-sync. This will put you on the correct chain with your latest wallet balance.

The most common reason for a chain re-sync is if your node has been offline for too long and it cannot catch up with the chain automatically

You will need:

  • a recent archive file, exported from an archive node, or
  • the IP address of a Mega node

Restore from backup

To restore a backup that you have previously taken to a new or existing device, you will need:

  • A backup of your node that you took previously,

and, if the backup is older than 1 week

  • a recent archive file, exported from an archive node, or
  • the IP address of a Mega node

to ensure the backup is properly restored to the chain tip.

Restore from Seed Phrase

Alternatively, you can import your seed phrase if you do not have a backup. Your wallet will be recovered from the 24 word seed phrase you provide. This should only be used as a last resort.

You will need:

  • Your 24 word seed phrase,


  • a recent archive file, exported from an archive node, or
  • the IP address of a Mega node

All the above processes can be found in the Security MiniDapp.
