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Chain re-sync

Your wallet will be re-synced according to the existing seed phrase.

Transaction history will be deleted so you may wish to download this from the Wallet MiniDapp before proceeding.

From the Security MiniDapp


  1. Open the Security MiniDapp
  2. Select Archive reset
  3. Select Chain re-sync
  4. Select a recent internal archive file or upload a new one. If you do not have one, you can visit our Discord server or go to and download the latest file.

For a successful re-sync to the latest block, you must use an archive file from within the last week.

  1. Select Continue
  2. Wait for the restore to finish, this can take a long time. Please be patient and do not attempt to use any other MiniDapps whilst this is in progress.
  3. Restart the node for the re-sync to take effect. Please allow a few minutes for the node to connect to the network.

Once complete, you will be on the correct top block.

From the Terminal (advanced)

Expand for details
  1. From an existing node that is out of sync with the latest tip block, login to Minima
  2. Open the Terminal MiniDapp
  3. Use one the following commands depending on whether you wish to re-sync from an archive file or a host, WITHOUT providing your 24 word seed phrase.

Example using an archive file (recommended)

archive action:import file:archive-export.gzip

Example using an host

archive action:resync
  1. Press Enter
  2. The re-sync will begin, please be patient
  3. Check the logs to see when the process is complete
  4. Once complete, restart Minima - you may have to accept the security warning again

Once complete, you will be on the correct top block.

For further help using the archive command, use help command:archive from the Terminal.