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Exporting to MySQL

It is possible to export your node's archive blocks to an external MySQL database for storage.

Using a MySQL database to hold a backup of your archive data means you can:

  • update the MySQL db with the archive blocks from your node
  • chain or seed re-sync directly from the MySQL database for any Minima node (if made publicly available);
  • export the archive blocks from MySQL to a .dat or .gzip file to be shared for re-syncing purposes;
  • execute SQL queries on all coins since the Genesis block (NEW for v 1.0.39);
  • export the tables from MySQL to a SQL file;
  • import the SQL file to another MySQL database

This setup uses two Docker containers

  1. a Minima archive node
  2. a MySQL database to hold the archive blocks and coins

The archive database in MySQL will contain 3 tables:

  1. cascadedata - if your archive node does not start at the genesis block, there may be cascade data
  2. syncblocks - the archive blocks
  3. coins (NEW v1.0.39) - a coins table of all coins in the archive blocks


  • An existing archive node running in Docker

Minima - MySQL setup

  1. Install MySQL Workbench from the official website, selecting the Operating System relevant to you

  2. Open your Terminal/Command Line interface

  3. Setup a Docker network, this will allow you to connect your node to your MySQL database that we will create in the next step

docker network create -d bridge minimanetwork

Now you should see minimanetwork listed if you run

docker network ls
  1. Start a MySQL database as a Docker container

You will need to set your own values for the following parameters:

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD : create a root password
  • MYSQL_DATABASE : create a name for the archive database
  • MYSQL_USER : create a user for the archive database
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD : create a password for the MYSQL_USER
docker run -d -p 3307:3306  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yourrootpassword -e MYSQL_DATABASE=archivedb -e MYSQL_USER=archiveuser -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=youruserpassword --restart unless-stopped --network=minimanetwork --label=com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false --name minimysql mysql:8.0

This will create a Docker container called minimySQL which runs your MySQL database called archivedb.

It will run on your port 3307 (mapped to 3306 in Docker); create the user specified and give them access to the database; connect the MySQL db to the minimanetwork Docker network; and disable Watchtower updates for the container.

  1. Connect your Minima archive node container to the minimanetwork Docker network
docker network connect minimanetwork minimaarchive

You should now see your minimysql and minimaarchive containers in the same network if you run:

docker network inspect minimanetwork


docker network inspect minimanetwork
"Name": "minimanetwork",
"ConfigOnly": false,
"Containers": {
"182c4041ad365669b365ee6e0691e5488596ab1e974b791bba1306c74643bd03": {
"Name": "minimaarchive",
"38906df591a5ba642e755509e8c162e114b6dd56abc2ec2e76a0c673f5187b09": {
"Name": "minimysql",
  1. Open MySQL Workbench and create a new connection with the following parameters

Connection name: minimaarchive
Hostname: (or your public IP if running on a server)
Port: 3307
Username: root
Password: Click on “Store in Vault” and enter the root password you used in step 4 above.



  1. Click Test Connection, then OK.

This will setup a connection to the MySQL database running in Docker.

Update MySQL

To update the MySQL tables with the archive blocks from your node:

  1. Open Minima Docker CLI or Minima Terminal MiniDapp

  2. Optional - run the command mysql action:info with your login details to check the current status

mysql host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:info
Example output

In the above example, the Minima archive db contains 72105 blocks and the mysql has 0 blocks, as expected.

before updating

Before running an update, you must check your node is on the correct tip block. Run the status command to check your tip block is up to date.

  1. Update the MySQL database with the Minima archive data and wait for it to finish
mysql host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:update
Example output

Future updates will be incremental, only syncing the new blocks that are not already in the MySQL database.

Auto update

To automatically update the MySQL database daily, run:

mysql host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:autobackup enable:true

Check the integrity

To check that there are no missing blocks in the MySQL database, you can run:

mysql action:integrity host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword

Export to an archive file

.dat file export

From v1.0.39 onwards, a .raw.dat export can be used by users to recover their node via the Security minidapp or with the reset command. This is the recommended method.

Optionally omit the file parameter to use an autogenerated file name.

mysql action:rawexport file:archiveexport.raw.dat host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword

.gzip file export

This .gzip export can be used by users to archive reset their node via the Security minidapp or with the reset command.

mysql  action:h2export file:archiveexport.gzip host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword

Resync from MySQL

If a user has been offline for too long and cannot resync to the chain from the IBD alone, or has lost access to their node, they can connect to a MySQL database to perform a chain or seed resync, provided it is publicly accessible.

This is an alternative option to re-syncing from an archive node.

As with archive nodes, there are two options when using a MySQL database to re-sync your a node:

  • Chain re-sync: If a user has been offline for too long and their node is not on the correct tip block, they can re-sync to the latest block by performing a chain re-sync from a MySQL database. The node will NOT be wiped during this process.

  • Seed re-sync: If a user does not have a valid backup or has lost access to their node, they can restore access to their coins by performing a seed re-sync from a MySQL database using their 24 word seed phrase. The node will first be wiped before the re-sync begins.

read-only access

To re-sync using credentials for a read-only user, set the user and password parameters as the credentials for the read-only user you have set up in MySQL, and add readonly:true as a parameter in the following commands.

To perform a chain re-sync

  1. On the node requiring a re-sync, check the connection to the MySQL database, changing the ip:port as required
mysql host: database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:info
  1. To start the chain re-sync, run
mysql host:mysqlhost:port database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:resync

Your coins will remain safe throughout this process. Once complete, you will be on the correct tip block.

To perform a seed re-sync

  1. On the node requiring a re-sync, connect to check the MySQL archive database
mysql host: database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:info
  1. To start the seed re-sync, run
mysql host:mysqlhost:port database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:resync phrase:\"24 WORDS HERE\"

Optionally set the number of keys and keyuses relevant to you. If not specified, the defaults are keys:80 and keyuses:1000

mysql host:mysqlhost:port database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:resync phrase:\"24 WORDS HERE\" keys:90 keyuses:2000

Check an address history

To check the unspent and spent coins for an address, run

mysql host: database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword action:addresscheck address:0x79...

Create a coins table

To create a table in your MySQL archive database for all spent and unspent coins, you can use the mysqlcoins command.

The coins table will be populated from the syncblock table, so this must be populated first. You can then run any SQL command against it to query the coins.


The coins database is large and will take a while to populate, optionally you can create a second database in mysql workbench to keep the coinsdb separate to your existing archivedb.

To populate the coins table, you can choose to specify the number of coins to update in one go by using the maxcoins parameter. To update the table will all the coins, remove the maxcoins parameter.

The example below adds the first 100 coins to the database. Next time, it will start from where it left off.

From any node

mysqlcoins action:update maxcoins:100 host: database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword 

From docker

mysqlcoins action:update maxcoins:100 host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword 

Query the coins table

To search for all coins at an address or with the address in a state variable:

mysqlcoins action:search address: host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword 

To run a WHERE query on the coins table, string data MUST be in single quotes and you can use multiple parameters.

mysqlcoins action:search where: host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword 

To run a full SQL query on the coins table:

mysqlcoins action:search query: host:minimysql database:archivedb user:archiveuser password:youruserpassword 

For full help, use help command:mysqlcoins or see here.

Export the tables from MySQL

To Export the archive data from MySQL to a file:

  1. Open MySQL workbench

  2. Double click on minimaarchive to open the database

  3. From the Administration tab, select Data Export (also available from the Server dropdown menu)


  1. Check the box for archivedb and check the boxes for cascadedata and syncblock

We do not recommend exporting the coins table as this will be very large.

  1. Under Export Options, select Export to self-contained file and Include Create Schema. Optionally change the file path.


  1. Click Start Export

The exported file will be unzipped, you should zip the exported file to reduce your storage requirement.

This file can be imported to MySQL if required.