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Use Cases

The utility of the Minima network and currency will be a key driver influencing the growth of the network.

Visit the website to learn about the specific use cases we are currently working on.

The benefits for each broad use case are highlighted below as well as the utility of the Minima coin.


Benefits for Enterprise:

  • Quickly prove the value or concept of a project before building and scaling on Minima
  • Reduction of infrastructure costs as the solution runs on the end users' devices
  • Ability to deploy a large number of nodes via an OTA (over the air) update
  • Ability to transfer tokens and data between any set of nodes
  • Specialised hardware is not required
  • Use of custom tokens or NFTs for rewards or loyalty
  • Use of smart contracts to program rules and use cases for custom tokens


Benefits for DePIN:

  • Quickly prove the value or concept of a project before building and scaling on Minima
  • Access to a large, decentralised, peer-to-peer network of users
  • Ability to deploy a solution that runs on users' mobile devices or on IoT devices
  • Ability to transfer tokens and data between any set of nodes
  • Specialised hardware is not required
  • Use of custom tokens or NFTs for rewards or loyalty
  • Use of smart contracts to program rules and use cases for custom tokens


Benefits for developers:

  • Ability to run a full node locally, providing direct access to the blockchain without going via a third-party provider
  • Instantly and easily start a local private testnet
  • Creating dapps is very accessible and can be created with standard html, css and javascript knowledge
  • Instantly mint custom tokens and NFTs
  • Access to a large, decentralised, peer-to-peer network of users
  • Decentralised protocols developed for Minima will scale naturally with the user base
  • Ability to create censorship-resistant applications that provide utility only achievable on a decentralised network
  • Ability to develop Minima and non-Minima based applications via the MiniDapp system
  • Ability to create and share a suite of MiniDapps via a MiniDapp store


Benefits for individuals:

  • Easily start a full node to participate fully as an equal on the network
  • Sharing of personal data with third parties is not required
  • Personal ownership and control of value (via the Minima coin) and tokenised assets
  • Instantly create custom tokens and NFTs
  • Usage of smart-contract applications - MiniDapps - via the MiniDapp system
  • Peer-to-peer transfer of value and tokenised assets via the Minima wallet
  • Private, encrypted messaging and social media dapps via Maxima
  • Ability to create and run Minima and non-Minima based applications via the MiniDapp system

Utility of the Minima coin

The Minima coin is required to use the network in a purposeful way; the main drivers of utility for the Minima coin are:

  1. A Store of Value
  2. Value transfer
  3. The Burn
  4. Tokenization
  5. MiniDapp usage
  6. Partnerships

A Store of Value

The Minima coin can be used as a store of wealth over time. Unlike traditional Fiat monetary systems, the Minima coin supply cannot be inflated. In fact, due to the Burn mechanism (see The Burn), the supply is deflationary, meaning it slowly becomes more scarce over time. Coupled with Proof-of-Work backed security provided by every node in the network, and no centralized authority, the Minima coin can be considered a secure store of value.

Medium of Exchange

The Minima currency will be the primary medium of exchange on the network. All users (or devices) running nodes are able to transact directly, peer-to-peer, wherever, whenever.

The Burn

The Burn is a small cost (fee) which is incurred when sending transactions on the Minima network during times of high demand. This cost, denominated in Minima, is ‘burned’ i.e. removed from Minima's hard-capped supply. This makes Minima a deflationary currency as the overall circulating supply slowly decreases over time. Providing demand stays the same, a deflationary currency will appreciate in value over time.
For more information, see The Burn, in our Learn section.

Tokenization (including NFTs)

Minima will be required to create custom tokens or NFTs on the Minima blockchain. Custom tokens and NFTs inherit the same underlying security of the Minima blockchain and can be transacted with in the same way as Minima coins. Use cases for custom tokens and NFTs are unlimited and defined by the creator.
For more information, see Coloured Coins, in our Learn section.

MiniDapps (Decentralized applications)

Minima’s decentralized applications will be the main driver of utility in the Minima network, driven by a powerful scripting language for writing smart contracts and using the widely known JavaScript, HTML and CSS to create user-friendly interfaces for people to interact with the smart contracts.

Potential uses for the Minima currency in the MiniDapp ecosystem are unlimited and will depend on the applications built by community developers but could include:

Payments: using Minima as payment for goods and services
DeFi (Decentralized finance): Borrowing, lending, and using Minima as collateral
DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges): Exchanging Minima/Custom Tokens/NFTs within the Minima network or cross chain
DAOs: Using Minima/Custom Tokens/NFTs within the ecosystem of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
Gaming: Using Minima/Custom Tokens/NFTs for in-game items or currency
Voting: Using Minima/Custom Tokens/NFTs to represent votes
Funding: Using Minima for charity or business funding
Social Media: Using Minima/Custom Tokens/NFTs for micro-payments or social status

For more information, see MiniDapps, in our Learn section.


Enterprises and DePIN projects integrating Minima into their business offerings will increase credibility and demand for the Minima network and the Minima currency.