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What is Maxima?

Every Minima node includes Maxima.

Maxima is to information what Minima is to value.

Where Minima provides freedom of value exchange; Maxima provides freedom of information exchange.

Maxima is an information transport layer protocol that allows anyone to exchange information, with their chosen contacts, over Minima’s peer-to-peer network.

This unlocks the power of composability to create true Web 3 applications combining peer-to-peer exchange of value and information.

Totally decentralized - without censorship - without personal data collection.

Each Minima node runs the Minima blockchain in full to enable all nodes to transact with each other without third-party intermediaries.

Transacting over Minima involves sending coins, custom tokens or NFTs between nodes. Transactions can be simple payments or programmed to cater for more complex use cases using Minima’s smart-contract language, KISS.

When sending transactions over the network, users must perform a small amount of work from their device, called Transaction Proof of Work (TxPoW), which secures the network from attack.

Each Minima node also runs the Maxima protocol to enable nodes to send encrypted data like text, pictures or documents to each other, independently of the Minima blockchain.

Users can communicate with a peer on the network e.g. a friend, family member or another device, by adding them as a Maxima Contact. Messages can then be sent to Maxima Contacts via decentralized apps (known as MiniDapps) such as MaxSolo or Chatter which interact with the Maxima protocol.

Although users can send messages over Maxima free of charge, to prevent spam, they must contribute to the security of the Minima network by performing a small Tx-PoW when sending a message. On average, the TxPoW required to send a message amounts to 1 second of work.