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ELTOO Floating Coin

A floating coin is one that can be attached to any existing coin, as long as it has the same address, amount and tokenid, irrespective of the coinid.

Use a previous address and send funds to it..

send amount:2 address:0x921FC56E2948CCC51DB46525E459F1DB7331C65CC0E830FBC0E63CF273C6B592

You will now have a coin that can be used as a floating input. Use coins relevant:true to see the details.
In the coin details floating will be set to true.

Create a floating transaction that spends this coin..

txncreate id:floattxn
txnoutput id:floattxn address:0xFF amount:2

And this is the special bit, when defining an input coin use the floating param. You could specify the coin using a coinid or with coindata (from a custom transaction) - but you can just specify the address, amount and tokenid, since it is a floating coin.

txninput id:floattxn floating:true amount:2 address:0x921FC56E2948CCC51DB46525E459F1DB7331C65CC0E830FBC0E63CF273C6B592

Now - you will see that in your custom transaction the coinid for that input is 0x01. This means it is special. It is not specified. It does not matter which coin you use - as long as address, amount and tokenid are the same.

Sign it to complete the transaction

txnsign id:floattxn publickey:auto

Infact let's SPEND the old coin and output it to the same address.

In my coins relevant:true I have only 2 coins.. The 2 minima floating one and the big one (left over from the billion). Importantly the floating 2 Minima coin is the latest - so it will be picked up first.

So - if you do (using the same address and amount)

send amount:2 address:0x09B9782AA11B0B1F3D658016E2FD1E120DC0619A7BCD4F4DA6A4D79F0C6A5783

It will spend that coin, and create another coin - with a different coinid, but with the same address, amount and tokenid, still floating.

coins relevant:true

This will show the new coin with different coinid.

We can now post the floating transaction we made, with a coin that has already been spent, and it will still work as it uses the NEW coin we just created.

txnpost id:floattxn auto:true

BOOM. You just spent a floating coin..